CYJ Midwest takes the safety and security of our campers very seriously. All of our staff are well-versed in our safety and emergency procedures and know what to do in case of emergency situations. Throughout the summer, we hire a private security firm to patrol the campgrounds during the evening. They circle the camp along the road as well as walk through camp to ensure that everyone is safe and sound.

Camp is NOT open to visitors during the session. Please notify your camper’s relatives and friends that Camp does not allow any visitors. This policy is strictly enforced, and we make no exceptions. An overnight camp is a very special place, and it is important for your child’s sense of independence and self-reliance that they do not have parents dropping by. Visitors can be disruptive to the camp program and do pose a security risk. Children who have adjusted well to the camp setting could suffer from homesickness for days after a visit. Please respect our community, our campers, and our staff by allowing our program to run uninterrupted.